
What kind of genre would I make a short about?   I think to decide that, I would look at what was available, where I have available to shoot, and what kind of actors I can cast.  If I could choose to shoot a syfy short and had an unlimited BUDGET, time and location, I would shoot a dramatic short syfy, in Bath with Paul McCann, BUT this is not the case.  So I would love to shoot a short DRAMA about two friends that are being held hostage in a all night grocery, the first night it is open all night, and the last night they get to hang out before the one of them leaves for college.  I like the idea of a confined time and small cast.  I believe that is something I could accomplish and do it really well.

Where is the love?

little child babyA friend of mine posted a story on Facebook this past week, and it’s haunted me.  I haven’t known what to respond, but I felt like I had to. . . I am a Christian, I am not outspoken, or maybe I am, but I try with my whole heart to show Christ through my actions and how I live.  I am not perfect, FAR FROM IT (just ask my family or boyfriend).  I try to live by loving and respecting others, I fail, I say things at least ten times a day that haunt me, that where stupid or thoughtless, so I try the next day to do better. . . I try to show love and respect to others. . . if they have a question on my beliefs or religious views, I love to discuss this, but I don’t have all the answers, I just know what God has revealed to me through his words and other’s teachings.  What I do know, is that God is love, he gave us his son, his greatest gift to show us his love and mercy. . . He is hope, he is understanding, he is grace itself, so I don’t think in any STRETCH of the imagination would he want to embarrass or not care for a child or parent trying to care for that child . . . there is no excuse for this. . . If there was any issue for this doctor, she could have addressed it when she spoke to the couple, she was a coward, and must have no care for her patients or understand the true love of Christ, he would love not judgement of a child.


Bosch: an American Original

bosch-poster-amazon-studios-203x300After waiting a year for the full season, I have to say Amazon’s original series Bosch was worth the wait.  Harry Bosch is elegant, upstanding, hard edged detective, who is more complex then your average American Detective.  Son of a murdered prostitute, which drove him to become a detective, there is no victim that doesn’t deserve his full attention, because every murder, is a tale of a city.
This is a beautiful, amazing, character driven detective drama.  It’s made mybosch unexpected vacation, thanks to Kentucky weather a JOY!  After shoveling out the driveway and sidewalks, I took a warm shower and vegged in front of my roku and become immersed in the world of Harry Bosch!!!  If you have Amazon Prime, give Harry a chance you won’t regret it!

Silver Screen: The Thin Man

The-Thin-Man-Movie“The people who lie the most are nearly always the clumsiest at it, and they’re easier to fool with lies than most people, too. You’d think they’d be on the look-out for lies, but they seem to be the very ones that will believe almost anything at all.”
Dashiell Hammett, The Thin Man

Brilliant words, from a master of words and mystery.   I may not be a fan of Agatha Christie, but give me a good 1930-1949 Comedy Murder mystery and I am putty in your hands.  In my mind no one mastered the suave detective more gracefully and handsomely then William Powell’s Nick Charles.  His smooth Bourbon voice, could make any line sound sophisticated.

the-thin-man-still-04I’ve often wondered if the Thin Man could be reduex, but like the golden age of Hollywood, that glamour and sophistication is tied to the era of grandparents and great grandparents.  We’ve lost the glamour of Hollywood and flock forward the realism feel of life, gritty and real or over the top and beautiful images.  I think once audiences saw what was behind the great curtain of Oz Hollywood lost it’s glitter and glamour.  . .


it is officialSoooo…. during LEXCON yesterday afternoon, my entire world changed:)  and I have to use one of my favorite quotes,

“It’s crazy, because I don’t even know when you became so important to me.  It’s like watching a snowstorm.   You see the flakes falling, but you don’t realize how they’re adding up.  Then suddenly, your whole lawn is covered.  All these little things have added up, and you’re my snowstorm, baby!”